Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Distant Lover.

Man oh man where do I began?  How bout I just let go, and type what comes out!  This guy right here is beyond what I call [REAL].  Our friendship dates back almost 13 years to our Southwind Elementary School days.  We use to roam the hallways together, aka he use to sneak out of class just to get a peek of me, lol and my young ass use to sneak outside in the garage just to conversate on the phone (my parents were NOT having it).  After elementary school and me moving all across the country we unfortunately lost contact. I never thought I'd see this guy again. It wasn't until 2006 that we reconnected.  Big ups to Tom and myspace. I swear yu can find any and everybody on that shit. ha!  Moving right along, I would like to briefly take a moment and say that I value our friendship in every way.  Our late night talks and our deeps conversations reminiscing on old times is something that I always look forward to.  Although the distance between us still puts a damper on how close we really should and could be, I always remember that anything worth having is always worth waiting for. I  also remind him constantly that I am temporarily giving him his space for now so that he can experience life without me, in order to appreciate how great life will be with me. Alright alright alright I guess I should wrap this lovey dovey shit up now huh?  lol --Quintin baby I gots muchhh love for you boo & no matter what happens you'll always have a place in my heart-- a place that has existed since the third grade (the spring fling dance, Y-Care & Silent Lunch). lmao!  Get at me on some serious type shit, wen you done playing with them little girls out there. You know where I'm at =]
 See you soon!