Wednesday, November 5, 2008


After two long years of hearing John Mc Cain and Barack Obama campaign around the country, I am more than pleased to say that this shit is finally OVER.  Congrats to Obama. They said that this day would never come, an African American leading the country. They were wrong! I always assumed that I would witness it one day, but I never imagined that it would happen so early in my lifetime. This shit's so crazy to me, and hasn't fully even hit me yet. My kids & grand kids will one day read about this historic movement in school, while I add in my two cents on how I actually lived through it. DAMN! Now all I can do is hope and pray for the best. But more importantly I pray that Obama makes good on many if not most of the promises made to America.  It's time for some real change in this world and hopefully change will come. It's obvious that Barack can talk the talk, but can he now walk the walk? Shout outs to him and his family. I most definitely wouldn't want to have the amount of pressure he has on my shoulders. 
Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama!