Tuesday, October 28, 2008

D.K. Plus Cassie WTF?!

Because of the recent firing of D. Woods & Aubrey O'day from Danity Kane, rumor has it that singer Cassie is all set to step in as the remaining trio's new lead singer.
LMFAO! This rumor is hilariously great, and doesn't at all shock me.  Diddy's a beast and does whatever possible to make money- and lots of it. My only concern is why Cassie?? The fact that she's been Puffy's "Official Girl" for about a year now has nothing to do with this decision, I'm sure ; )  Girl groups equal Drama, while Day 26 & Donnie are on cloud 45. Hot mess!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Makes Me Not Wanna Say "Nigga" !

Praying for Jennifer Hudson & Family.

If there was any justice in the world, Hudson would be celebrating right now. Her song "Spotlight" is at the top of Billboard's chart and her Secret Life of Bees movie opened with superb numbers at the box office; not to mention her recent engagement announcement to Punk from I love New York. Instead, Hudson is dealing with the tragic news that her mother, Darnell Donerson, and brother, Jason Hudson, were killed in a South Side Chicago City Friday, and her nephew, Julian King, is still missing. My prayers and condolences are with her and her family. Peace & Love

Celebrity 08 Fall Fashion's-MUST HAVE.

Fedora Hats
Chain Necklaces 
(the more the merrier)
Tailored [Men Inspired] Suits

Happy Birthday Daddy!

All day yesterday Dri and I ran around town searching for the perfect gift for Daddy.We had no clue as to what would suit him best, but after a few phone calls to Mom; she gave us a few ideas! We settled for new kicks, a chocolate cake, dinner at IHOP and a very interesting book entitled "White Like Me." (Anticipated to be a great read.)  Anyone who knows me well enough, knows that I truly am a "daddy's girl" and I would do anything for this guy. With my mom working in Memphis I sometimes have to play multiple roles, a daughter and a wife,but i wouldn't have it any other way. Believe me he spoils me enough!
Tons of birthday wishes to you daddy and many many more. Love you and hope you have a wonderful day :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

The 3 Amigos

in the beginning it was Me & Dri [right]
a little while later Colie [left] crept into my life
one day we decided to join forces and become the 3 amigos. 
3 bad bitches. or simply "Emma. Dri. and Colie"
here we are today inseperable and i love them like sisters- fuck a friendship we family now!
some nigga: "yall always together"
me: "yeah... "
some nigga: "yall like a nut sack- ALWAYS TOGETHER!"
me: lmao, weaker than Dri :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

So Gone, But She's Backkk!

Monica's new video, Still Standing is the ish!

Killing Us Softly, LITERALLY!

I was stunned when I watched this documentary in Psychology class today.
It's breakdown on the portrayal of women in the media is ridiculous but REAL. 
Sex,violence, and appearance is all a girl knows, supposedly!
I beg to differ. 
Take a Look!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blogspot Bandwagon!

After viewing many of the lovers and friends blog pages, I decided to hop on this here " Blog spot Bandwagon" myself. Hopefully the ride will be smooth sailing from here on out as I express my daily thoughts and feelings for the whole world to see =O The creativity and positive energy that I've seen so far amazes me, and I can only hope to be as successful. I vow to be completely honest in my writing and 110% Emma! However, I refuse to edit, sensor, or "dumb anything down" for anyone. I'mma call it how i see you, you can call it how you read it :)
Big ups to my Dri Mamaz, we on this shit!!!  lol